To upgrade from 1.3 to 1.3.1, run the upgrade.php script. Note that on a large database, this can take a very long time (up to several hours). For example with 1,000,000 rows in the link_keyword table, it takes around 30 minutes. BACK UP YOUR DATABASE BEFORE DOING THE UPGRADE. Delete the upgrade.php file after upgrading. To upgrade from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6, run the upgrade_to_1.2.6.sql script in sql directory on the sphider database. To upgrade from 1.2.3 to 1.2.5, run the upgrade_to_1.2.5.sql script in sql directory on the sphider database. To upgrade from 1.1.0 to 1.2, run the upgrade_to_1.2.sql script in sql directory on the sphider database.